The modern slavery statement registry


The modern slavery statement registry, is a platform for organisations to share the positive steps they have taken to tackle and prevent modern slavery. It serves as a valuable tool for promoting transparency, accountability, collaboration, and ultimately, the eradication of modern slavery in supply chains and beyond. Used by The businesses, NGO’s and courts.

Business Requirement

Customer Demand

Goals and objectives

  • Taking Part in stand ups, client meetings and retrospectives.

  • Ensuring that creative strategy and UX had a voice throughout the project.

  • Wireframing, prototyping and presentation deck design.

  • I have highlighted some of the tasks below

My role

The modern slavery questions are divided into compulsory and voluntary sections.

Create a progress bar mechanic to display on the users profile indicating how many optional questions they have answered.

I spoke with the stakeholders about reframing the problem, where did the term ‘progress bar’ and ‘rating system’ originate and that this may not be the best solution to the problem. When the client ceased looking at the answer as a progress bar they were open to other solutions. Misconceptions of iconography.


  • xx

  • xx

Problem: design a rating system

Solution: xx

Avoiding the cultural significance of icons


  • xx

  • xx

  • xx

  • xx

  • xx

  • Submitted a new component to the GDS



  • xx

Problem: Between There was a 40% drop off of modern slavery submissions from 2021-2022

Solution: Digitising the PIN

Avoiding the cultural significance of icons


  • Mitigating the risks

Client comment

The mechanic is a really brilliant way of getting people to add to the modern slavery register that’s not too intrusive
— Home Office Programme lead, Product Owner


Target Audience: businesses in the UK compulsory if they have an annual turnover of £36 million or more.

Key constraints: Unpaid pitch work with limited time and resource.

Research findings: Mobile web stats show that iOS is by far the pre-dominant operating system for GWR passengers.

Great Western Stories

A journey companion app that delivers entertaining local stories, triggered to play at the right time as and when you pass through the area where the story unfolds.


Happy man on train at dusk with headphones listening to story of Arthurs stone

Rapid paper wireframes were created and discussed with the technical development team, so decisions around technical feasibility and scoping could be addressed.

Developing low-fidelity wireframes were effective in revealing design flaws, they also allowed us to test the experience internally, highlighting any further room for improvement.

Creating a sticker sheet made the design process quicker and ensured continuity across screens.

The UX process

High fidelity wireframes

Hi-fidelity prototypes provided the client with a very clear picture of the end result, these were presented at the pitch meeting.

High fidelity wireframes and prototypes

Angled Figma high fidelity wireframes

Creating a new component for the GDS, with recommendations



London Fireproofing